Preschool in Los Angeles, CA 90064
Wonder Years Pre-School was established in 1989 and serves the Beverly Hills and West Los Angeles areas. Our philosophy is: Learn through play and discovery, using various art mediums with an age appropriate curriculum. Emphasis on the emotional, social, physical and cognitive development of young children.
Debbie Mandell, the founder of Wonder Years
Pre-School, is an UCLA alumni. She began teaching in 1981 as Director of Alouette School, where she taught Kindergarten and first classes.
With a background that involved singing and acting at the famous Lee Strassberg Institute in Hollywood, Ms. Mandell’s approach to education stresses the importance of character growth through a variety of activities.
Her staff includes experienced teachers who were thoroughly educated with an emphasis on young child development and psychology.
Wonder Years Pre-School strives to continuously develop, refine and deploy an educational program that provides a strong foundation for your children to reach their highest possible potential in the future.
Take a snapshot of a typical day at Wonder Years Preschool, and you can’t help but notice the fun! and although it may all look like fun, you’re actually seeing something else as welllearning. Studies have found that children are more likely to retain information learned when they are engaged in an enjoyable and meaningful activity. and that’s what learning at Wonder Years Pre-School is all about.
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