Preschool in Louisville, KY 40299
3703 Stone Lakes Drive
Louisville, KY 40299
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Saint Michael Pre-School and Pre-Kindergarten are located in the St. Michael Lifelong Learning Center at 3703 Stone Lakes Drive, Louisville, KY 40299. Our early childhood program is for children ages three and four (before Oct.1). We feel very fortunate to be able to offer a high quality program with a skilled teaching staff. All of our classroom teachers are degreed and are experienced in early childhood education. Qualified teacher assistants will also be assisting in the classrooms. Our program provides an up-to-date, imaginative and stimulating learning environment for your child in a well-equipped, child-centered school setting. The religious school atmosphere provides value-guided interaction and modeling for the younger child. Our early childhood program is designed to develop children’s knowledge and skills in all developmental areas — physical, social, emotional, and intellectual. All children must be completely toilet trained and able to manage bathroom needs independently. You may enroll your four-year-old child in our Pre-K program for three (MWF or TWTh) or five days per week. You may enroll your three-year-old child in our Pre-School program for two (TTh) or three (MWF) days per week. The time for our Pre-School and Pre-K program is from 8:15am until 11:15am. The time for our afternoon session is from noon until 3:00pm. Afternoon dismissal begins after students in grades K through 8 have left the parking area. Saint Michael Pre-School/Pre-K classes take place from late August to late May and generally follow the Saint Michael School calendar. Early morning care is available from 7:20 – 8:15am for those who have older siblings at St. Michael School and need before school care. A separate childcare program is available at St. Michaels for parents that need care for their children before or after the Pre-School and Pre-Kindergarten program. (All families are required to complete an ESC form, whether they plan to use the service or not.)
Our first and most important goal at Saint Michael is for your child to feel good about him/herself and secure within our school environment. This will be the first school experience for many of the children. In the beginning of the year, we will concentrate on helping the children get comfortable with their new environment, make new friends, and learn a new routine.
Although the schedules and ability levels will vary, each class will spend part of their day in supervised free choice (learning centers) time. This fosters independence in children, as they are able to choose from many centers. The centers will vary according to ability level and the weekly theme, but may include: art, home living, blocks, easel, manipulatives, computers, writing center, puzzles, books, listening centers, and games. These learning centers are fun for the children and provide one on one contact with the teacher as it reinforces specific skills.
Another important part of each day will be spent in large group activities. This time will include stories, finger plays, songs, movement activities, listening games, calendar activities, as well as lessons on specific topics or themes. Emphasis will be on balancing activities to help the child’s active interest. Large motor time with physical activities will be provided either indoor or outside.
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At Saint Michael Pre-School and Pre-Kindergarten we attempt to encourage and support the development of each child. It is our goal to provide an atmosphere that stimulates Christian attitudes and values. We also believe it is important to help children have fun as they play, since play is a young child’s natural way of working and learning. The overall development (religious, intellectual, social, emotional, physical) of the child is encouraged for each individual. Positive development of the child’s self-image is also of prime importance in our program.