Preschool in Mattoon, IL 61938
5001 Lake Land Blvd
Mattoon, IL 61938
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The Child Care Lab differs from other facilities because it provides a hand-on learning environment for adult students in the Early Childhood Education and Family Services Program. These students are not counted in the teacher child ratio. However they do benefit from the experience of working along side a qualified professional teaching staff, to gain practical knowledge of how to educate young children as part of that programs academic requirement. They are coached and mentored through their learning process, developing positive teaching techniques and methods that are vital within the child care profession. Because of the contributions these adult students make to the Child Care Lab program, the children are offered more one on one adult attention for learning assistance.
The Child Care Lab not only offers a preschool type curriculum, they are also considered a Kindergarten readiness program. The entire program is based on positive and creative methods for educating children as they grow through their developmental levels to reach their fullest potential. As a result, many children who have attended this program have been offered advanced educational opportunities within their local schools. This highly successful program is a great place for children to start their early learning process, while in a colorful unique setting. The overall commitment is focused on educating young minds for a better world.
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The curriculum is theme based, with a topic of learning for each week. Enveloped into the themes are the basic concepts, numbers, letters, shapes, and colors, etc. The most important aspects considered are creativity, consistency, age appropriateness, with discovery play and learning opportunities where children can grow and develop to their fullest potential