Preschool in Mckinney, TX 75070
The mission at Riddle Street is to tap individual talent and guide it in the right direction in the least obstructive and the most effective way using Montessori philosophy. Children learn through activity and discovery ensuring the joy of learning and enabling them to become independent and responsible citizens of the world.
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Riddle Street believes in the value and unique qualities of the individual. We understand that no two children learn in exactly the same manner at the same pace through the same senses or from the same background of experience. Learning is an intrinsic aspect of daily life that will continue as a lifelong process and endeavor. Therefore we teach each student in a manner that attends to his or her individual learning style. Our curriculum is individualized according to the child’s level of understanding and comprehension. The flexible pacing and homogenous grouping with Montessori philosophy will make Riddle Street unique drawing students and teachers alike.