Preschool in Miami, FL 33142
Our daycare and learning center has educated hundreds of children since 2003 and was founded to serve the need for quality childcare services in Miami Dade and surrounding communitiesWe provide quality childcare for children of parents who are working full time in school full time or doing a combination of both. We serve an ethnically diverse population of families from varying income levels. However a majority of our students are from low and moderate-income families. We are enabling families of low and moderate income to cost fictively stay in the work force or further their education because we offer a sliding scale of fees.
Our center focuses on problem solving decision making and self-help while promoting interpersonal communications. These are key elements which contribute to the childs development self esteem and confidence.
Additional Services:
Full Day After School Infant Care Food Served
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We believe that families are unities that are established by God to be a strong force within a force; that becomes impenetrable. Within this force and development of children the image of the father plays an important part. We also believe that each child is unique and deserves opportunities to make choices to develop independence and to receive reinforcement when successful at their level of development.