Preschool in Montrose, CA 91020
We at the Armenian Sisters Academy believe that every child is unique and valuable because each child comes from God and has an eternal destiny.
We are dedicated to the development of the total child: spiritually intellectually personally emotionally and socially.
The school expands understanding of the nature of ethnicity and its place in a greater cultural context. The school as a family complement is a part of our community and society with its own identity as a stimulating environment designed to cultivate the growth of the whole child in spiritual intellectual personal social physical and ethnic areas.
Armenian language Armenian cultural courses and religion are included in our curriculum in addition to California standards of academic subjects.
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Armenian Sisters Academys Philosophy is to respect and accept each
child and value his/her uniqueness. A.S.A. Preschools main objective
is to provide a safe and secure environment through which every
childs physical emotional social and intellectual growth are
challenged to promote healthy selfesteem
and selfworth.
Each child is encouraged to communicate his/her needs and feelings to
become responsible and selfsufficient.
We do not simply accept a child at our school we accept families. Our
program promotes an atmosphere of caring and interdependence
between children parents and