Preschool in Oaks, PA 19456
Language(s) Spoken: English Spanish
Part Time / Full Time: Full Time Part Time
To promote language skills. From the time they utter their first words around their first birthday until they are about 3 years old children learn words and how to put them together at an astounding rate. Their language learning is supported by our caring and responsive staff as well as you the parent who talks to them label and describe experiences and objects and engage them in conversations.
To foster a love for books by reading to them and showing them pictures of things they see every day.
We also focus on gross motor skills such as jumping hopping and skipping. We love to sing songs and dance to encourage music and movement.
This is an important age in learning to share develop social skills and using self help skills. Through routines and encouragement these skills are achieved.
We will explore spatial concepts shapes sorting and classifying all while having fun!
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Our curriculum covers content areas such as Science Math Language and Literacy Social Studies Art and Music and Movement. Through the use of interest areas the children explore the different content areas while having fun. The following are some examples of the use of different interest areas:
Block Interest Area we develop social skills by building together as a team discussing what we are creating. We also practice math skills by counting how many blocks we may need for a particular structure.
Dramatic Play Area We work on social and cognitive skills by negotiating roles acting out parts and using our imagination to be anything we want to be.
Sand & Water By using props such as measuring cups and spoons sifters shovels etc. we encourage scientific exploration. By making careful observations measuring and classifying we enhance our math skills.