Preschool in Olney, MD 20832
I, along with the teachers, appreciate your prayers for the school and for all of the children who will attend this year. We pray that God guide us through the school year – granting us His wisdom, patience, and peace through each day. We also pray for the children-that they would have a fun, rewarding year and receive God’s love through us, His messengers.
What does this mean to our parents? First, that their children are provided a warm, loving, Christ-centered environment in which to play, learn and grow. Second, that the teachers have the necessary education and experience to provide a quality learning opportunity for children. And, third, that their children have fun!
Children receive the following special program offerings: Weekly Chapel Time, Kinder Musik, Weekly Spanish, and Fun Fit (movement and music)
We also offer family activities that have included: Harvest Festival Christmas Program, Easter Egg Hunt, Mommy and Muffins, Daddy and doughnuts, Seasonal Entertainment, Yearly Field Trip to Sharps Farm,and a Graduation Ceremony.
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