Preschool in Pompano Beach, FL 33071
The goal of St. Mary Magdalene Preschool is to provide children with a school environment where they are nurtured and treated with Christian love and respect. We will challenge them to learn and master new skills and we will increase their self-esteem by showing them in a multitude of ways that God has made them unique and special.
Additional Services: Half Day
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The work of children is play. With that in mind we use a developmentally appropriate teaching style. That means your child will have a chance to explore and experiment in a warm loving atmosphere. Arts and crafts stories puzzles music dramatic play and hands-on projects are just a few of the ways we will stimulate your child’s creativity and enthusiasm for learning. Each open-ended activity is geared to promote self-esteem and independent thinking. Throughout your child’s school career there will be pressure to succeed. In our school we strive to provide your child with an opportunity to discover they can enjoy school and accomplish great things. This is their first chance to see themselves as students and we want them to acknowledge their abilities with confidence. We see the leaders of tomorrow in the children’s faces and know the importance of this time. They deserve nothing but the best.
At St. Mary Magdalene Preschool we believe all children are gifts of God and we strive to teach the children the lesson that God loves them just the way they are. We have Chapel once a week during which time the children sing Bible songs hear a Bible story and say the Lord’s prayer. We teach the basic Christian principles of love and respect.