In The Beginning...

Preschool in Raleigh, NC 27615

Our mission is to love, serve, disciple, educate, and protect children, through creative and exciting Christian educational programs focused on developing their individual personalities and character, ethics and citizenship values, cognitive skills, and faith.

Child Ages:
6 weeks - 5 years
Licenses & Accreditations:
North Carolina Division of Child Development and Early Education
This provider accepts vouchers
Children per Teacher:
Infant: 6/2, Toddler: 12/2, Pre k: 14/2, Afterschool: -/-
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday: 7:00 am 6:00 pm

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Our developmental program is customized for each age group but is still flexible enough to be applied to each child. The foundation for each classroom and teachers curriculum planning is to ensure the highest quality education while allowing flexibility for individual growth. Each child will be nurtured daily for spiritual, social, emotional, cognitive, and physical developmental needs. Each staff member will consistently adhere to our core teaching and classroom philosophies:

Teach the Love of Jesus and Gods Words and Lessons and incorporate this in all classroom and citizenship aspects Unconditionally love each child in our care, showing this in many ways like daily hugs and loving guidance Develop each childs self-esteem showing respect for all children at all timesImage of Toddler painting his ‘tube roll’ which will become his trumpet used in the Battle of Jerico Convey a sense of security and safety to each child Create a fun, laughter filled environment, because preschool age children learn through play Provide age appropriate materials and exciting, yet challenging activities Educate each child according to their cognitive growth development capabilities Provide opportunities for individual exploration Allow each child time for creativity and opportunity for self-expression Document each childs successes and needs Exposure to wide variety of Christian and secular educational concepts and materials


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