Preschool in Redding, CA 96001
We are off to a great start! Our classes are full and each day we are adding more students. There are many who just want to be bobcats! We may need to adjust some of the classes real soon
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We believe each of our students have special gifts that we would like to discover explore and nurture. We are currently developing and offering activities that give our students the opportunity tounleashtheir potential and will assist eachstudent to go up and beyond their dreams. The start of our gate-like activity program and additional afterschool programming is off and running. As we transition from the traditional GATE program into the concept of creating activities that expands all students minds according to their interest and strengths we will also break down the walls of when and how these activities happen. What we will offer during the day and in the after school hours in this program will blur together in regards to enrichment.