Preschool in Renton, WA 98055
Learning Land is a Child Care Center offering Preschool and Head Start services daily. We specialize in children that need a home away from home. Our Teachers are highly educated and take caring for children seriously. We take pride in being the number one choice in Renton and Kent when it comes to your family’s childcare needs. We encourage you to drop-in and visit our facility.
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Learning Lands philosophy is to promote a positive sense of self in each child. Interpersonal relationships and a loving and nurturing environment set the stage. It is necessary that each child feel positive and important. We believe that learning best occurs when new concepts build upon each child’s prior experiences. We meet each child at his or her own level and pace. Learning Lands curriculum is not pre-determined but emerges out of the children’s interests. Teachers skillfully plan and design activities and projects that extend the children’s play into deeper and more meaningful learning experiences. By accepting each child’s experiences and drawing them into the curriculum, we are in fact, affirming their individual backgrounds and cultures. This belief leads to a strong emphasis on family involvement both inside and outside the classrooms. Effective communication between parents and teachers builds a level of trust, comfort and enables us to make sure every child can be successful by reaching their full potential.
We understand that many parents have rigorous work schedules. Many parents and guardians would like to be more available during the day but most of our clients are working and its very hard to spend the extra time you would like at your childs school. We offer evening family events, so that the entire family can visit our facility and socialize with the staff and other families in the Early Childhood Program. Our strong parental involvement fosters a close-knit community environment in which lasting friendships continue to grow. Every quarter we offer Preschool Family Nights. This is when we invite the families of our preschoolers to come and learn more about parenting your preschooler. Topics vary but always include dinner, childcare, and an opportunity to interact with other parents that have something in common, a preschooler. Twice a year, we get together for annual Family events. We are proud to offer these functions at no additional charge.
Through research we know that young children learn primarily through play. In play children feel the freedom to try out new ideas and practice skills. As teachers plan activities and provide opportunities for children to work and play together, children learn to get along with others and to feel good about them selves. These experiences positively effect their growth and all other learning for the rest of their lives.