Preschool in Rochester, MN 55904
We at the Civic League Day Nursery provide a safe, healthy and loving environment where children can learn by discovering life for themselves. Our children thrive in small groups with well-trained staff to give individual attention in an atmosphere that makes learning enjoyable and satisfying. The ability to develop trusting relationships with adults, play happily and independently with their peers and take responsibility for themselves is encouraged at Civic League Day Nursery. Our curriculum provides stimulating experiences and opportunities for individual growth. Teachers plan weekly activities focusing on a theme and plan for the enrichment of the childs intellectual, social, emotional and physical development.
Our toddler program focuses on the development of self-help, language and social skills. Our teachers provide stimulating activities that promote brain development. Their days are filled with:
Our preschool and kindergarten classrooms fill their days with:
-creative activities
-literacy development
-sensory experiences
-calendar time
-alphabet awareness
-dramatic play
-science discovery
-outdoor exploration
-math concepts
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Civic League Day Nursery has been caring for children since 1930, when it was founded to meet the needs of working parents.
We believe that children need a safe, healthy and loving environment where they can learn by discovering life for themselves. Adults should gently guide children through this ongoing process by filling each day with stimulating experiences and opportunities for interpersonal relationships. Building a positive self-image is essential to a child’s sense of well-being. The ability to develop trusting relationships with other adults, play happily and independently with their peers and take responsibility for themselves should be encouraged. Children thrive in small groups with sufficient well-trained staff to give individual attention in an atmosphere that makes learning enjoyable and satisfying. A carefully planned, developmentally appropriate, daily program helps the children develop to their full potential.
A mutually supportive partnership between the families and the staff should be nurtured and maintained.
Cooperation with community agencies, e.g. United Way, schools, social services, health providers, Headstart, is stressed in order to utilize all available services.
Dependable financial support must be maintained so that we can care for children from all economic levels.