Preschool in Rockville, MD 20853
To shepherd growing and developing children in a Christian environment.
St. John’s Christian Preschool has openings for the 2’s, 3’s and 4’s classes. Call (301) 946-4977 to register your child for fall classes.Want more information?
Our curriculum is designed to promote both social and emotional growth with an emphasis on the development of positive self esteem. To meet these goals children are exposed to a variety of academic readiness activities through active discovery and guided learning. We believe that children learn best through play. Activities are centered around weekly themes and often include special visitors, trips, dress-up days and related snacks.
The childrens spiritual growth is nurtured through weekly Bible stories and Christian attitude lessons as well as a weekly chapel led by the Pastor. At St. Johns Christian Preschool, children learn that they are SPECIAL!