Preschool in Rockville, MD 20852
In keeping with Dr. Maria Montessori’s vision, the mission of White Flint Children’s House is to awaken the love of discovery in our students by nurturing creative, artistic endeavors, evoking a passion for learning, and allowing children to achieve their potential at their own pace, while teaching the values of acceptance, family, leadership, pride, respect, diversity, and independence.
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Maria Montessori’s focus on the whole child led her to develop a school very different from the traditional adult-centered classroom. To emphasize this difference, she named her first school the “Casa de Bambini” or the Children’s House. Her words are profound for the Montessori classroom is not the domain of the adults in charge, but rather a carefully prepared environment designed to facilitate the development of the children’s independence and sense of personal empowerment.
White Flint Children’s House is a true community of young children. They move freely within the rooms, selecting work that captures their interest. Even very young children assist in the care of the environment. When they are hungry, they prepare their own snack and drink. When something spills they help each other carefully clean things up. Parents are often amazed to see small children in Montessori classrooms cut raw fruits and vegetables, sweep amd dust, carry pitchers of water, and pour liquids with barely a drop spilled. The children go about their work so calmly and purposely that it is clear to even the casual observer that this is their environment.