Preschool in Rohnert Park, CA 94928
At the Children’s School, children have the opportunity to learn and grow in a nurturing, familial environment. Their emotional, social, cognitive, and physical needs are met through a planned and emergent curriculum implemented by trained teachers who promote respect, responsibility, resourcefulness and resiliency.
In the classroom, children may choose from a variety of activities: art, music, dramatic play, block building, science, and language and literacy experiences. Outdoor play is also vital to the young child and choices may include climbing, swinging, gardening, riding toys and playing in water and sand. Fostering a sense of trust, positive self-esteem, and recognizing problems-solving opportunities through play, are core components of the Children’s School curriculum.
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The philosophy of education at the Children’s School is based on child development research, which finds that children form most of their attitudes about self and learning during the first five years of life. The schools’ goals and objectives focus on constructing learning environments for children that enable optimal development of their physical, psychosocial and cognitive abilities.
These abilities interweave through each domain of expression: exploration, communication, mastery and resourcefulness. Daily adventures in a shared environment produce new scenarios and gained competence. Our curriculum is steeped in active sensory experience and grounded in environmental ethics and aesthetics. Together, the teaching staff and children develop meaningful curriculum through ongoing conversations and provocations.
We also encourage children to take care of the environments around them and to honor the creatures and people therein. All encounters serve as ways to learn about responsibility.