First Discoveries Preschool is a Christian preschool serving children ages 3 years old to 5 years old in a half-day program. We believe . . .
- all children are unique and special creations of God
- developmental stages of children are important considerations in creating appropriate learning environments and activities
- children learn through play
The key to establishing our Christian environment at First Discoveries is teachers who have committed their lives to Jesus Christ. It is a natural outgrowth of their commitment to God as Christ-followers to relate daily activities to God and Gods unconditional love for each child. Daily Bible stories are incorporated into the program as well as a Christian emphasis throughout the curriculum.
We encourage you to visit the preschool for a tour and to learn first-hand what makes First Discoveries Preschool a unique learning environment for your child.
- Child Ages:
- 3 years - 5 years
- Licenses & Accreditations:
- MinnesotaDepartmentofHumanServices
- Preschool:
- Yes
- Hours of Operation:
- Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 p.m.
Want more information?
- Classroom Ratios
- Director and Teaching Staff Bios
- Course and Teaching Material
- Menus, Activities, and more...
First Discoveries Preschool utilizes a learning center approach to curriculum. The curriculum covers introductions to numerous concepts and skills, including number, letter, color, and shape recognition; counting; beginning tracing and writing skills; alphabet sounds; beginning sight words; and days and months on the calendar. Daily learning centers will include:
- Creative Art allows children the opportunity to develop small muscles; fine motor control; visual-motor perception; space, color, size, line, texture, shape, and contrast awareness; aesthetic sensitivity; expression of emotions; creativity; language; eye-hand coordination; and self-concept and esteem.
- Manipulatives provide experiences which develop skills in connecting; disconnecting; inserting; taking out; fitting; matching; recognize differences in shape, form, size, texture, weight, numbers, letters and proportion.
- Literature and Reading help instill a love of books, literature and words in children. As they read books to themselves, they learn a respect for ideas, and have an opportunity to develop aesthetic appreciation.
- Block Play includes at least two different kinds of experiences. Unit blocks enable children to have some control over their environment; develop large muscles; language and creativity; and learn about balance, volume, weight, numbers and spatial relationships. Hollow blocks oblige children to use different muscles which require greater strength. They also provide opportunities to experience horizontal, rectangular, symmetric and balance.
- Dramatic Play gives children the opportunity to understand their lives and environments as they integrate what they are learning and feeling through imitation. As their language skills and creativity develops, dramatic play encourages them to use symbolic objects in place of concrete objects.
- Science and Cooking offers experiences in nature appreciation valuing Gods creatures as an integral part of the world; comparison; observations; differentiations; and develops an understanding of sequence, eye-hand coordination, visual perception and work habits.
- Sensory Experiences, like sand, water and rice, provide opportunities for children to grow in differentiating textures; using descriptive language; experiencing volume and weight; solving problems; and sharing spaces with others.
- Music and Movement help children develop auditory perception and auditory motor control. They also become able to coordinate the musical sounds to different ways of moving. Listening to and producing music helps them with awareness of such words as fast and slow, or soft and loud.
- Large Muscle Activities are available to enable children to develop strength and coordination. They also gain experience in balance; volume; number; texture; eye-hand coordination; use of symbols; problem solving; language development; and social interaction.
- Circle Time provides the opportunity for children to practice listening skills; participation in group activities; routine; increase attention-span; turn-taking and asking questions; and experience being a part of a group.