Preschool in Saint Paul, MN 55115
Our full day program serves children beginning at age 16 months and continues up to the time they begin Kindergarten. Children are placed in classrooms based on age and level of development. We provide a structured preschool program throughout the day, with extended hours at the beginning and end of the day.
We are a Christian Early Childhood Educational Program
The key to establishing a Christian environment is employing teachers who have committed their lives to Jesus Christ. Teachers will assist the children in:
We use a Learning Center approach to Curriculum through out the week and feature a Project Approach study quarterly
Our teachers design learning experiences to meet the needs of the individual child, as well as the entire group. Discovery-based exploration is nurtured in creative arts, science, cooking, blocks, table toys, large muscle, dramatic play, sensory, literature, and music.
Each quarter, teachers and students engage in a theme-based Project Approach style of curriculum development where the children determine the course work. As a classroom they determine what they know and what they want to know about a particular area of study. From there, the children take off with investigating, exploring and inquiring to find answers. Visual documentation of the project from start to finish is beautifully displayed outside of each classroom for all to see.
What are the goals of our Full-day Preschool?
1. To provide a safe, healthy, nurturing and culturally responsive setting for children.
2. To support childrens development by cherishing individual differences, helping them learn about cooperation, and promoting their self-esteem.
3. To work with families to bring about collaboration between home and school in ways that will enhance the child’s development.
4. To provide a learning experience for the whole child; physically, mentally, socially and spiritually.
5. To encourage and foster independence and socialization in preschoolers within a safe, caring and Christian environment.
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