Preschool in San Jose, CA 95123
It is our mission to provide meaningful and long-lasting learning for young children that require active thinking and experimenting to find out how things work.
This is best accomplished through purposeful play facilitated by highly intentional teaching practices.
AmericaEd Learning Centers comprehensive approach to curriculum is based on an understanding of the complex social/emotional physical and cognitive development of young children and the way children learn.
Our comprehensive curriculum provides guidance on the many factors that lead to a high-quality program and presents all aspects of teaching young children effectively.
Our mission is to develop childrens critical thinking skills for better grades higher test scores and success in life.
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Our philosophy is that children construct their knowledge while actively engaged in the process of understanding the world. We provide a comprehensive research-based integrated curriculum that enables children to achieve positive and consistent outcomes. Our teachers know what to teach and why and how children learn best. Our teachers respond to individual needs and learning styles of all of the children.
The foundation of our curriculum is based on more than 75 years of scientific research about child development and learning theory that leads to specific instructional strategies based on how young children learn best. Our Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum is based on the theories of Erik Erikson Jean Piaget Lev Vygotsky and Howard Gardner as well as recent research studies about language literacy multiple intelligence scientific approach and math development. Our teachers clearly and simply apply this information to a classroom on an every day basis.