Holy Family School is a parish school rich in the tradition of Catholic education and committed to academic excellence. Our mission is to foster and to support the development of Catholic faith and identity while nurturing the whole child. In partnership with family educators and the whole parish community we strive to promote the spiritual intellectual and social development of our students.
- Licenses & Accreditations:
- California Department of Social Services: Community Care Licensing Division - WASC Accredited
- Preschool:
- Yes
- Hours of Operation:
- Kindergarten: M T TH F 7:55 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
First through Eighth: M T TH F 7:55 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Kindergarten through Eighth Grade: Wednesday 7:55 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.
Want more information?
- Classroom Ratios
- Director and Teaching Staff Bios
- Course and Teaching Material
- Menus, Activities, and more...
- We believe in providing an inclusive academic environment where the dignity and uniqueness of each student is valued.
- We believe that in preparing our students to be life-long learners we honor families as the primary educators of their children while teachers facilitate and complement the learning process.
- We believe and are committed to sharing the Gospel message through prayer liturgy reflection study and community service.
- We believe in and strive to create a community which allows a child to learn and grow while developing a social sense of responsibility for self and others.