Preschool in San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
The mission of the Montessori Children’s School is: to inspire a passion for excellence in all of the children and adults who are a part of its community, to nurture the curiosity, creativity and imagination born within each of us and to awaken the human spirit of every child.
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Our program rests on four main pillars:
The cultivation within our students and staff of a passion for excellence in everything they do, both inside and outside the school.
Dr. Maria Montessori believed that no human being is educated by another person. He must do it himself or it will never be done. A truly educated individual continues learning long after the years and hours she spends in the classroom because she is motivated from within by a natural curiosity and love for knowledge. Dr. Montessori felt, therefore, that the goal of early childhood education would not be to fill the child with facts from a pre-selected course of studies, but rather to cultivate his own natural desire to learn.
The purpose then, of our school is to meet this objective. This is done in two ways: first, by allowing each child to experience the excitement of learning by her own choice rather than by being forced, and second, by helping him to perfect all his natural tools for learning so that his ability will be at a maximum in future learning situations. The Montessori materials have this dual long-range purpose in addition to their immediate purpose of giving specific information to the child.
The curriculum of the school includes exposure to all of the traditionally incorporated areas such as mathematics, sciences, reading and writing. Most importantly, though, there will be an emphasis on those qualities needed to become self-motivated, independent, self-disciplined and a fulfilled individual.