Circle of Friends

Preschool in Sarasota, FL 34239

Circle of Friends is a Nationally Accredited, Reggio Inspired, Eco-Conscious Early Education program located in the city of Sarasota. Circle of Friends is a Beautiful Place to Grow!

Child Ages:
1 year - 5 years
Licenses & Accreditations:
Florida Department of Children and Families - Gold Seal - APPLE Accreditation - Eco-Healthy Child Care Endorsement
Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday 7:30am-5:30pm

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  • Director and Teaching Staff Bios
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At Circle of Friends, we believe in the wonder and magic of early childhood! Guided by the Reggio Emilia philosophy, we respect children’s right to play and discover, to collaborate and construct, and to experience meaningful and joyful learning. We are inspired by the spark in their eyes, smiles on their faces, warm embraces, exuberant moments, and their inherent curiosity. Our program is designed around the children and our units of study are influenced by the children’s interests and passions.

Our teachers collaborate to offer children a wide range of deep, meaningful learning opportunities. We understand that children thrive when they feel safe, loved, understand the routine and structure of the day, and when they are given space to explore, experiment, and wonder.


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