Preschool in Schertz, TX 78154
The Mission of OLPH School is to fulfill the educational ministry of the Catholic Church in our community. The school exists to provide quality education and Christian formation of the whole person by encouraging development of each student’s talents in the service of God and others.
OLPH School is an extension of the family. Because parents are the primary educators of their children we recognize that the school alone cannot attain the total development of the child. We strive to assist parents in fulfilling their responsibilities and consider ourselves partners in the education of the whole child – spiritually morally intellectually physically emotionally and socially. Following the example of Jesus’ love for the young we strive to teach as He did and to develop each student’s abilities and talents. Students are encouraged to become knowledgeable and creative in the 3 R’s of academics (reading writing and arithmetic) as well as the 3 R’s of Christian attitudes and values (religion respect and responsibility).
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The Pre-School/Pre-Kindergarten Program seeks to promote the maximum development of each child. It equally seeks to promote the childs religious development intellectual development perceptual and motor development social and emotional development and language development. We encourage an atmosphere where children can enter in free creative play in small interest groups with a minimum amount of direction. We seek to give a child the chance to grow and develop as an individual at his/her own rate of speed by providing him/her with creative experiences and group activities with other children of his/her own age.