Preschool in Sellersburg, IN 47172
This company is founded by parents Dawn and Roger. We have a 7 year old son and an 11 year old daughter. Roger has been a pilot for the past 15+ years while Dawn worked in restaurants retail stores and then finally child care (over 7 years of experience 5 as a Director). For years we have experienced a few very tough times trying to provide peace of mind that our children were safe. We have dealt with babysitters at-home day and night care ministry-based day cares and day care centers similar to this one. We have seen benefits and drawbacks to each and have seen a broad spectrum of what is acceptable and what is not-so-acceptable. If you are in the same situation that we were in or simply need someone just to watch your child for a couple of hours a day after school… we assure you that your needs are our number one concern.
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Our philosophy is that you the parent and child are the reason we are in business. We want to put your mind at total ease when you leave your child in our care keeping in mind many of the fears that we have had to face… neglect abuse lack of safety etc. These threats can be overwhelming to even think about so we will take these fears out of the equation.