The Mission of BROC Head Start is to provide quality individualized comprehensive services that empower and foster healthy development and increases social competence of young children in low-income families. BROC Head Start services are also family centered, following the belief that parents are respected as the primary educators and nurturers of their children.
- Child Ages:
- 3 weeks - 5 years
- Licenses & Accreditations:
- North Carolina Division of Child Development and Early Education
- Special Needs:
- At least 10% of the total enrollment of BROC Head Start will be for children with disabilities. The term disabilities means children with mental retardation, hearing impairments including deafness, speech or language impairments, visual impairments including blindness, serious emotional disturbance, orthopedic impairments, autism, traumatic brain injury, other health impairments or specific learning disabilities, deaf-blindness, or multiple disabilities, and who, by reason thereof, need special education and related services.
Transition activities are implemented and followed through to ensure a smooth entrance to and exit from the Head Start Program. Services are provided in an inclusive environment in the Head Start classroom for children with disabilities, with opportunities to learn side by side with children who do not have disabilities. The teaching staff implements the goals stated on the childs Individualized Education Program (IEP) into the daily lesson plans and classroom activities and meets the needs of the individual child.
Children with disabilities receive services (Speech/Language Therapy, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Developmental Delay Therapy) on-site and are usually coordinated with the local public schools. Collaborative agreements are in place with Ashe, Alleghany and Wilkes County Schools to ensure the childs IEP goals and objectives are being met.
The BROC Head Start Program collaborates with the Appalachian Foster Grandparent Program. Foster Grandparents are utilized in most classrooms to work one-on-one with the disabled child to enhance the childs learning experiences. - Preschool:
- Yes
- Hours of Operation:
- Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Want more information?
- Classroom Ratios
- Director and Teaching Staff Bios
- Course and Teaching Material
- Menus, Activities, and more...
The educational program is designed to meet each childs individual needs and encourage parents to work with their child. It also aims to meet the ethnic, cultural and other needs of the community served. Every child receives a variety of learning experiences to foster physical, intellectual, social, and emotional growth. Children are introduced to the concepts of words and numbers with a focus on Early Literacy. They are encouraged to express their feelings, to develop self-confidence, develop the ability to get along with others, and develop skills to better prepare them for kindergarten.