Preschool in Springport, MI 49284
300 West Main St.
Springport, MI 49284
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Helps kids age 3 to 5 get a jump start on the basics before attending kindergarten.
This program is available in JACKSON and HILLSDALE counties. Children who complete Head Start are prepared for kindergarten excited about learning confident in their own abilities and ready to succeed. We offer two programs to best suit their needs:
Center Based: held four half days a week three and a half hours per day.
Full Day: held five days a week for a minimum of 8 hours per day.
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We believe that parents are the primary educators of their children. Parents are encouraged to volunteer in the classroom to serve on the Policy Council as part of our planning and decision making body and to become an active effective community participant. Parent meetings are held on such topics as:
- Child Development
- Health and Nutrition
- Self Esteem
- Literacy
- And much much more!