Preschool in Stamford, CT 06902
1231 Washington Boulevard
Stamford, CT 06902
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Providers of child care in Stamford CT encourage you to visit the preschool by scheduling a tour. Prepare a list of questions ahead of time and include items such as: philosophy and learning approach, classroom size, hours and schedules, admissions process, meals provided, parent participation requirements, daycare program information, fees and tuition. If the child care in Stamford CT already has a 2-page profile with ChildCare Smiles then you will be able to review and print most of this information ahead of time, including preschool photos. This will then enable you to focus on the visual aspects, interactions with the Director and teachers, and general feelings about the daycare when you visit. An important consideration when visiting a Stamford child care facility is to ensure that your child will be receiving a well-organized and challenging curriculum, a warm, safe and clean environment, and teachers who are experienced and ideally have long tenure. When you visit a Stamford child care center don’t forget to take your child with you and observe how he/she reacts in this new environment. Also, take the time to observe how the other children interact with each other and the teachers.
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