Preschool in Sugar Land, TX 77479
Excellence in Christian education is the driving force at Cornerstone Christian Academy. Cornerstone founded in 2003 will add 8th grade to its program for the 2011/2012 school year. This addition expands Cornerstones offerings to include a preschool (beginning at two-years-old) an elementary program (bridge-kindergarten through 5th grade) and a middle school program (6th through 8th grade) by next fall. The school’s expansion comes in response to area parents desires to place their children in a safer smaller and Biblically-based educational environment that aims to reach beyond academics alone. The class maintains a low student/teacher ratio allowing for individualized attention and greater potential for learning.
Cornerstone’s advanced Christian curriculum taught by expert Christian teachers is enriched with music art Spanish and physical education. Students in PreK 4s elementary and middle school enjoy a weekly library trip. All students participate in daily chapel and Bible lessons. Middle school students take health Texas history computers Bible and can take choir band or journalism and can participate in our sports program.
Cornerstone is easily accessed from Highway 59. The state-of-the-art facilities support a full program complete with a chapel gymnasium library commercial kitchen and mobile Apple computer lab. Cornerstone’s foundation of Christian values and commitment to excellence ensure a bright future for families seeking Christian education in the Fort Bend area.
* To provide a developmentally appropriate educational experience in a Christian setting that will support future academic growth. * To enrich the child’s life with a wide variety of activities in a safe and nurturing environment. * To provide support for families through education community referrals spiritual guidance and family-to-family connections.OUR SCOPE
* A faith-based non-profit organization that is affiliated with the First Colony Church of Christ. In the best interest of the child we reserve the right to establish procedures and policies that serve the best interest of the children’s overall developmental needs. * Enrollment — The school is open to all children regardless of race religion color sex nationality or any other basis prohibited by law. * Religion — The curriculum includes Bible instruction and all subject areas are taught from a Christian perspective.TEACHING AND LEARNING
Teachers share in the learning adventures of the class. Respect for cultural family and social needs are balanced with the individual child’s needs. Learning occurs in a variety of settings: individual small group whole class and in learning centers. Teachers are sensitive to the sensory modes of young children and incorporate all five modes into their activities and experiences. Teachers also respect the variation of learning styles that occurs in children. The goal is to help children grow in all developmental areas: cognitive spiritual social emotional and physical.
Students receive religious instruction daily at the school. Worship time consists of Bible songs scriptures and prayers. Bible stories and application lessons complement the Church’s Sunday school curriculum. All aspects of teaching include the Christian perspective providing guidance for personal responsibility and friendship. Teachers model Christian principles as they lead children to know God as their Father and Jesus as their Savior.
Positive guidance is the school’s discipline plan. Teachers use distraction techniques with very young children. Redirection logical and natural consequences problem solving and negotiation strategies work with older children. Teachers reinforce appropriate behavior as children learn to mature in the following aspects:
Respect for self
Respect for teachers and other adults
Respect for other children
Respect for property
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Spiritual Development — We value the importance of Christian character development among students and faculty. We seek to teach children to distinguish between right and wrong based on Christian teachings and principles.
Balanced Education — We value the challenge of helping children grow and mature in all areas of development. We seek this balance in order to help each child reach his/her fullest potential and to attain a positive self-image as well as social grace.
Academic Focus — We value all learning styles and seek teachers who will motivate students to learn. We place great curriculum emphasis on building a strong school performance.
Independence — We value the opportunity to help children develop self-reliance self-control and responsibility. We understand that these characteristics impact their feelings of worth and greatly enhance school performance.
Guidance — We value a positive learning environment that allows children to learn. Teachers lovingly use fair and consistent expectations for behavior.
Communication — We value the importance of open and positive communication between school and the home. We seek to work as a team with parents in the best interests of the children.