Preschool in Torrance, CA 90504
In order to carry out Christs command to make disciples of all nations, proclaiming the Good News that God gave His only Son to be our Savior, the members of Ascension Lutheran Church established and maintain a Christian Preschool to carry out a three fold purpose:
to supplement the religious training that members of Ascension and other Christian parents in our community give to their children at home to serve as a tool of the Holy Spirit for mission outreach in the community to provide a thorough Christian education which meets students physical, social, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual needsIt is our goal that all students at Ascension believe Jesus Christ is their personal Savior and live as redeemed children of God. We want all students to recognize themselves as unique individuals created and loved by God.
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At Ascension Lutheran Preschool, we are passionate about providing a loving Christian, developmental atmosphere where children recognize themselves as unique individuals created and loved by God. As a child-centered school, we believe that the process is as important as the product. Children work hard at playthrough questioning, sharing, speaking, listening, dancing, singing, discoveries, experiments, and hands-on activities. Our children learn at their own pace, through play that is geared toward their developmental stage.
Our policies are rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Teachers uphold the understanding of and belief in the importance of Law (consequence for misbehavior) and Gospel (forgiveness for the repentant). This helps the children develop healthy relationships and patterns of adjustmentlearning and growing in a warm, loving, responsive environment with experienced early childhood educators who provide attentive, nurturing, individualized, quality care.