Preschool in Upperville, VA 20184
PCCC is proud of its reputation among our Virginia community. Early childhood is the most important period in human development and PCCC supports that belief by:
*Respecting each child as a unique individual.
*Providing for the social, emotional, physical and cognitive development of each child.
*Offering developmentally-appropriate educational programs.
*Encouraging learning through hands-on discovery.
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Children learn through play and interaction. PCCC offers children continuous opportunities to explore, create and discover the wonderfully exciting world around them. We encourage learning by:
Assigning each child to the same age-appropriate activity room with the same teachers throughout the year, assuring consistency and a low teacher-to-child ratio.
Providing age-appropriate materials, supplies and activities that challenge young minds.
Providing child-size fixtures and furnishings that encourage independence and success.
Implementing weekly themes and daily activities that help children make connections and see relationships.
Providing a daily schedule that teaches children organization, reliability and trust.
Implementing individual, small group and whole group class activities that allow children to interact in a variety of settings.
Using music, dance and computers for the imagination.
Providing daily outside physical activity, whether playing on the courtyard playgrounds, in our “Roots & Shoots” Garden, or on our winding nature trail.