Preschool in Van Nuys, CA 91406
Children’s Corner is dedicated to helping Kindergarteners and Preschoolers develop intellectually, emotionally, creatively, socially, and physically. We are honored to serve and educate local families on health, dietary, and natural healing techniques that can help to keep all children healthy.
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The philosophy of our program is based on the belief that parents and staff work together as a supportive team and a primary agent in motivating children to develop. We meet the needs of multi-cultural and multi-racial backgrounds of our community. We provide children a variety of age appropriate play activities and experiences in a comfortable and non-competitive environment.
We have specific programs, facilities, and classrooms to accommodate non-potty trained children and children in training.
We believe that experience in a good child care setting can prepare children for later life experiences. This can best be accomplished in an environment in which the adults promote self-expression and creativity, but also pay attention to the importance of self-control and mutual respect. The climate at our school encourages children to make choices, take responsibility for these choices, and develop self-discipline. In an atmosphere of trust and respect, each child finds opportunities to realize his/her own self-worth and personal growth.