Preschool in Watsonville, CA 95076
Linscott Charter School is a parent participation school collaboratively governed by parents and staff. Dedicated teachers and supportive families provide individualized active hands-on learning that fosters each child’s academic success encouraging excellence. Students become self-motivated critical thinkers demonstrating creativity and confidence. Our focus on community in and out of the classroom allows students to gain social and environmental awareness.
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For many years researchers have been demonstrating the importance of developmentally-based experiential learning for education that produces well-rounded capable critically thinking citizens who become life-long learners. Our program reflects the State and District standards and draws on both classical educational theory and current research.
Our goal is to develop in students a sense of responsibility initiative autonomy self-motivation and cooperation as they work and play in the classroom. To encourage these qualities the enviroment is set up to provide children opportunities to make choices to initiate and carry out their own projects and to take part in decision-making.
The Philosophy in Practice
We respect and support the needs and talents of the individual and seek to empower each learner to reach his or her fullest potential. An awareness of each child’s learning style skill levels interests and abilities is crucial to building a successful learning experience. Activities in the classroom are individualized to meet the range of realities each child brings to school.
This does not mean that each student gets an individualized program with private instruction although there may be some of that in the usual day. Individualizing the curriculum means that we try to find out what each student is interested in how students approach the learning process what strengths and limitations they have; what skills they have for solving problems getting information and working with others. Then we work to fit these interests strengths limitations and skills into the ongoing curriculum. In this way each learner is supported as a unique valuable member of the group.