Preschool in Williamsburg, VA 23185
It is a non-profit, non-denominational, non-discriminatory school run by a Parent Board. After brief stays elsewhere, the Co-op found a home at St. Martins, where it is regarded as part of the churchs outreach program. The schools tradition of fostering healthy families and its long-term scholarship program meshed well with the churchs commitment to weekday use of its facilities, and the relationship has continued for twenty-nine years.
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We believe children 2 -5 can be taught almost anything. We CHOOSE to create an environment that allows them to teach themselves as much as possible by exploration and discovery, building confidence and competence. We dont wish upon them a veneer of learning acquired to please adults, but promote self-motivated, practiced listening skills, and a love of learning for its own sake. Just as discipline and courtesy must be internalized to work well, so building blocks of learning must be embraced before more overtly academic approaches can succeed. Lots of pencil and paper tasks lie ahead of them in school. When asked to write something, we want them to have something to write about! Current brain research tells us that children have one minute of focused attention span for each year of age for tasks not of their own choosing. We owe it to children to help them use their time well, so that they and we can be lifelong learners.
Our learning through play philosophy incorporates the use of the following to deepen and broaden the spectrum of intellectual empowerment:
Art Projects Blocks Books, Music, and Movement Dramatic Play Goo, Gak, Playdough, and Clay Table Toys Science Area Water and Sand Play Tables