Tilghman G. offers Vocabulary Lessons, Reading Lessons, Writing Lessons,...

Tutor in Chesterfield, VA 23838

Chesterfield, VA 23838


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Price starts at: $42

Subjects: Vocabulary Lessons, Reading Lessons, Writing Lessons, and English Lessons

Travel policy: Will travel within 35 miles of Chesterfield, VA 23838

Wyzant Tutor Rating: 0 of 5 (0 ratings total)

All ages reading, arts, and humanities tutoring

Hello potential students! My name is Tilghman and I hope I can be your tutor. I graduated from the College of William & Mary (2013) with a degree in Philosophy and a minor in Art History. I have previous experience as an SAT prep and reading tutor. My goal with each of my students is to provide you with the tools to pursue your own educational goals once we stop working together. Since every student is a unique individual, there is no one set method that I use; rather, I see what the particul…

Child Ages:
3 weeks - 17 years
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