Dana U. offers Clarinet Lessons and Piano Lessons

Tutor in Kansas City, MO 64157

Kansas City, MO 64157


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Price starts at: $20

Subjects: Bassoon, Clarinet, Music Therapy, Piano

Welcome to my page! I believe strongly that each student, young or old, deserves respect and diligence on my part. Of course, no lesson would be complete without some corny humor and an understanding that each student is unique in their own way. My specialty is in making music accessible to everyone. Whether it’s in person or online, I would love to meetcha and teacha :D

Child Ages:
3 weeks - 17 years
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Date: September 15, 2007 – December 15, 2013
School: Northwest Missouri State University
Degree: Instrumental Music Education – Piano
Description: I have a BS Ed in Instrumental Music. In other words, I learned to teach music to everyone! My emphasis is on piano but I play many other instruments as well! Some of those include clarinet and bassoon.


Date: January 15, 2017
Name: National Guild of Piano Teachers/American College of Musicians, The
Description: Our primary function is to establish definite goals and awards—in noncompetitive auditions—for students of all levels, from the earliest beginner to the gifted prodigy.

Date: January 15, 2017
Name: Music Teachers National Association
Description: The MTNA was founded in 1876 with the goal of advancing the value of music study and music-making to society while supporting the careers and professionalism of teachers of music. With nearly 22,000 members in 50 states—and more than 500 local affiliates—the MTNA is the preeminent source for music teacher support, where members embody like-minded values and commitment to their students, colleagues and society as a whole, while reaping the rewards of collaboration, continuity and connection throughout the lifetime of their careers.


Date: May 15, 2020
Organization: REW Music
Title: Private Lessons Teacher
Description: I teach piano, clarinet, and bassoon :)

Date: August 15, 2013 – November 15, 2013
Organization: Fulton 58
Title: Student Teacher
Description: I student taught in Fulton, Missouri. I directed the middle school and high school bands. I organized music and instruments for the department. I helped with the marching band. I helped teach a beginning guitar class. It was a wonderful town and a wonderful experience.

Date: September 15, 2007 – May 15, 2012
Organization: Northwest Missouri State University
Title: Accompanist
Description: I accompanied many instrumental and vocal students throughout my college education.

Date: January 15, 2012 – June 15, 2012
Organization: Kelly Educational Staffing
Title: Long Term Substitute
Description: I was hired as a temporary substitute paraprofessional in January of 2012. After two weeks my supervisor was so happy with my work that she hired me for the rest of the school year. I worked with special needs children in kindergarten through fifth grade. It was a very rewarding job.


Date: January 15, 2014
Authority: Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Name: Teaching Certificate
Description: I have been certified to teach instrumental music k-12 in the state of Missouri.

Date: January 15, 2012
Authority: Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Name: Substitute Certificate
Description: I worked as a substitute teacher in my hometown of Columbia, MO and in North Kansas City, MO.


Language: English
Proficiency: Fluent / Native Proficiency

Language: German
Proficiency: Professional Proficiency

Language: Spanish
Proficiency: Limited Proficiency


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