Jessica M. offers American history Lessons, Vocabulary Lessons, Grammar ...

Tutor in Milford, VA 22514

Milford, VA 22514


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Price starts at: $35

Subjects: American history Lessons, Vocabulary Lessons, Grammar Lessons, Reading Lessons, Spanish Lessons, Writing Lessons, English Lessons, Spelling Lessons, Elementary (K-6th) Lessons, and Study Skills Lessons

Travel policy: Will travel within 30 miles of Milford, VA 22514

Wyzant Tutor Rating: 0 of 5 (0 ratings total)

Tutor with Jessica — Spanish, English, and History

I am someone who loves to learn but understands the needs of struggling learners myself. I am an ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher, and as such have abundant knowledge of and experience in teaching all aspects of English, from grammar, vocabulary, reading, and writing, to spelling. Having also prepped students for the GED, I understand test taking strategies and important study skills. I have a deep love of History, having graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor’s degree in the …

Child Ages:
3 weeks - 17 years
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