Jessica D. offers Vocabulary Lessons, Reading Lessons, Sign Language Les...

Tutor in Saint Cloud, FL 34769

Saint Cloud, FL 34769


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Price starts at: $40

Subjects: Vocabulary Lessons, Reading Lessons, Sign Language Lessons, and Hard of Hearing Lessons

Travel policy: Will travel within 20 miles of Saint Cloud, FL 34769

Wyzant Tutor Rating: 0 of 5 (0 ratings total)

Degree in Elementary Education & Deaf Education

Thank you for taking time to read my portfolio. My name is Jessica and I am a graduate of Flagler College. I graduated with a degree of Deaf Education K-12 and Elementary Education. I have and ESOL and Reading endorsement. Upon learning that I chose to study deaf education, many people wonder why I chose to work in this specific field. My answer is usually the same phrase, ?I thought it would be fun.? Being a Deaf Education major started as something I thought would be fun. I soon real…

Child Ages:
3 weeks - 17 years
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