Dawn V. offers Vocabulary Lessons, Reading Lessons, Elementary Math Less...

Tutor in Washington, NJ 07882

Washington, NJ 07882


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Price starts at: $55

Subjects: Vocabulary Lessons, Reading Lessons, Elementary Math Lessons, and Elementary (K-6th) Lessons

Travel policy: Will travel within 15 miles of Washington, NJ 07882

Wyzant Tutor Rating: 0 of 5 (0 ratings total)

Experienced Highly Qualified Teacher ready to help you achieve.

I am an experienced teacher with more than 14 years of service in a local area school district. I myself truly believe in continuing education. I have continued to learn more by going on to earn a Master?s Degree as well as a certificate for Supervision of Teaching & Curriculum. I plan to pursue a Master?s Degree in Educational Administration and/ or a Doctorate in Education. These degrees would open the doors to becoming a Principal/CSA/ Superintendent or Professor in Higher Education.

Child Ages:
3 weeks - 17 years
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