Preschool in Glenwood, MD 21738
Since 1985, the Children’s Center Group has served the childcare needs of thousands of families in Frederick, Howard and Montgomery Counties. Our unique flexible scheduling allows parents to choose preschool and childcare programs 2-, 3-, 4- or 5 days a week at five convenient locations. The Children’s Center also offers
*Facilities licensed by the Maryland State Department of Education. *Age-appropriate curriculum taught by experienced, certified staff. *Open visitation policy, parents are always welcome. *Secure, spacious classrooms and play areas. *Competitive rates.HELPING YOU PROVIDE QUALITY CARE FOR YOUR CHILD
All children are unique individuals. Our goal is to guide them in developing their full potential. We strive to provide a positive environment and a strong support system.
The Children’s Center provides:
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We provide a nurturing environment that encourages social, emotional, physical, and intellectual growth. Children bring lunch and snacks are offered at mid-morning and mid-afternoon. Rest time is allotted each day on small cots provided for each child. Afternoon time is spent on developmentally appropriate activities which can include music and movement, story time, crafts, free play, and outdoor time, weather permitting.
Center-Based Child Care