Nebraska offers a few options for low-income families who wish to seek help in paying for child care services. In addition to the Nebraska Head Start options, families can consider the Child Care Subsidy programs, brought to residents by the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services. Parents applying for the programs must be employed, attending school or training, incapacitated or attending counseling or medical appointments (either parent or child). Eligible parents may send their children to licensed child care programs, approved by the state of Nebraska. For more information, call 1-800-892-4453.
How to get started:
To get started in the enrollment process, find the programs in your area by using the online Head Start Locator.
Many programs use the Federal Poverty Line as a guide for financial assistance with child care. If your annual income is at or below the poverty line, you may qualify for financial help. These are the guidelines:
- A family of 1 must make less than $11,490 per year.
- A family of 2 must make less than $15,510 per year.
- A family of 3 must make less than $19,530 per year.
- A family of 4 must make less than $23,550 per year.
- A family of 5 must make less than $27,570 per year.
- A family of 6 must make less than $31,590 per year.
- A family of 7 must make less than $35,610 per year.
- A family of 8 must make less than $39,630 per year.
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